  cordis people call for proposal
. of this Guide, together with all information related to this call for proposals . Guide for Applicants for International cordis people call for proposal Reintegration Grants FP7-PEOPLE-2010-RG 23 CORDIS .

FP7-PEOPLE-2012-NIGHT Further copies of this Guide, together with all information related to this call for proposals, can be . the EPSS from the call page on CORDIS .

European Commission; CORDIS; FP7; Find a Call . People . New official source for FP7 calls for proposals

(Contact details are given on the CORDIS call page - see http . that you have applied for the correct action (see the "PEOPLE" Work Programme ).

Go to site navigation menu, by skipping site tools, language selector and navigation path; Go to CORDIS navigation menu, by skipping site tools, language selector and .

FP7 People International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Call for Proposals . Contact Points, you may do it online via CORDIS .

CORDIS call page and work programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc . Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP PART B

Call for Proposal under ICMR-European Union Collaboration in . for the improvement of health of the people. . be accessed at the following link: http://cordis .

New call for proposals under FP7 Research . The full set of call papers will be available soon on CORDIS: . Links-Statistics-Acronyms People Physics .

5th Call for proposals of the AAL Joint Programme . More info at: http://cordis.europa.eu . target group for this Domain A call will cordis people call for proposal be the disadvantaged young people

Page&call_id=111 6/3/2008 cordis people call for proposal PEOPLE FP7-PEOPLE-2008 ERG OJ C 288 of 30 November 2007 . FP7 - Call for Proposal http://cordis.europa.eu/fp 7/dc/index.cfm?fuseaction

NEW CALL for Proposals for Marie Curie Individual Grants . Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIGIndicative budget: EUR 40.00 .
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